Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Introductory Post - Dr.V.

Greetings everyone,

I am Troy A. Voelker, but I usually go by Dr.V. in the classroom and on these boards.  This post will mirror the requirements for the introductory post (student authors should see the Blog.Net presentation for details).

I am finishing my fourth year teaching strategy at the University of Houston Clear Lake.  Prior to that, I served as a management lecturer at the University of Tennessee Martin and before that as a teaching fellow at the University of North Texas.  I completed my Ph.D. in management in 2008 at the University of North Texas.

My primary research examines business strategy and social networks with my more recent research exploring small business.  I teach the strategy capstone course for both graduate and undergraduate students as well as courses in organizational behavior and entrepreneurship.  For summer, 2012, I will be teaching both the graduate and undergraduate strategy capstone course.  I have both classes using the strategy seminar blog, but the courses are divided up into different topic groups.

I am looking forward to the development of the strategy seminar blog.  I think it's an exciting opportunity for UHCL business students to share their knowledge and awareness of emerging business topics.  Additionally, this blog will provide an opportunity for UHCL alumni (and others) to participate in the discussion via comments to the blog posts.


  1. Hello,

    I am Rebeca B Mata.

    I am finishing my last two classes here at the University Of Houston Clear Lake. I plan to graduate August 2012 with a BS in Accounting. I do plan on pursuing a Masters in Finance within a year after graduation. I got my associates degree from San Jacinto College Central.

    My previous employment background consists of working as a realtor/broker, I started my own tax preparation business during tax season, and I am an investor in real estate. I also run my husband’s small trucking company which consists of two commercial trucks. I handle all the paperwork for the company and do hope to expand both his business and mine one day.

    I am looking forward to graduation and actually looking for a real job. I do admit that I am a little scared coming back into the working field. For the past couple of years, I have been working by myself from home. It has been tough but I do hope that all my hard work will pay off one day.

    I don’t really know what to expect from this Blog project. I hope to pay attention carefully and watch out for any ideas that might help me with my own business strategy and maybe expand. Strategy is important to me because I have been trying to design the best strategy for two years on how to expand. I don’t take a lot of risks because I don’t like to loose so I always take the most conservative route.

  2. Hi Rebeca,

    I understand what you mean about “I don’t take a lot of risk….so I always take the most conservative route.” I’m exactly that way, but at times when there is no other way you have to take that leap. I have taken some leaps in my journey and I now know is just the being of something amazing.

    Best of luck,

