Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Product Development: Risk & Reward

“Innovate or Perish: Success Factors and Sources of Failure” is a peer reviewed practitioner article that identifies, illustrates, and suggest, risk/success factors that new product development brings along.

This article is different and important because there are very few articles that discuss the obstacles and failures of innovation. The article brings some much needed knowledge on the failures of innovation.

The articles model below shows factors affecting the failure of new product development. Things such as sales, technology, size of company all affect the probability of success/failure of new product development.

In conclusion the article suggestions, summarized, were:

v  In daily practice pay special attention to success factors

v  The project leader remain the same for conception to end

v  Do not under estimate resources needed

v  Like most things communication is key

v  The quality, strategy, and support are keys to success

Works Cited

Rhaiem, Mehdi. "Innovate Or Perish: Success Factors And Sources Of Failure." Journal Of International Business & Economics 12.3 (2012): 102-122. Business Source Complete. Web. 8 July 2012.


  1. I agree that there aren't enough articles out there that discuss innovation failures. Most people don't want to admit to failure and loss of money. I think if more people did, there would be less failures becuase we can all learn from each others mistakes.

  2. I could see where there are alot of NPD invovation failures in companies. It is hard enough to implement new IT Technology products into a companies enviroment using proven project management steps. I have seen more money wasted on projects that were not properly documented before they were started.
