Thursday, July 26, 2012

Innovation-Current Event-Turning Plastic Into Fuel

Innovation Current Event-Turning Plastic Into Fuel
A new innovation currently on the rise is turning plastic into fuel. In an article titled, “JBI finds way to turn plastic into fuel,” a company in Niagara Falls discovers a way to save big on fuel costs. There are many places around the world that throw away plastics and they just sit in a land fill and take up space. If everyone would recycle their plastic products and this process discovered by John Bordynuik would be implemented around the United States, I believe gas prices would dramatically decrease. “Bordynuik said his invention allows JBI Inc. to produce fuel at a fraction of the cost of major refineries, and can convert two tons of plastic into 109 barrels of fuel.” (Tighe) Scientists have been studying this process for years but the products they come up with are very low quality, but this guy is the first to successfully product a quality product. This inspired many people to try and do the same. In Fairbanks, Bernie Karl began using his own machine for transforming plastic waste into oil. (Miller) In an article titled, “Turning plastic into oil would eliminate plastic waste and stick it to greedy oil companies,” it states that, “the machine takes anything form Styrofoam to plastic bags and melts them down in a vat heated to 800 degrees, turning the plastic into gas. The machine then sends the gas into a water container for cooling, which turns the gas into fuel.” (Miller)  CynarPic is another company that has been focusing on the technology to turn plastic into fuel as well. “Cynar Pic is developing and has patent applied for a technology which converts a wide range of ELP into liquid fuels, mainly diesel which Cynar calls-End of Life Plastic to Diesel(ELPD)” (CynarPic) As  you can see, there are many companies that are in the early stages of development in this new technology. I think it is a great idea and would help not only lower gas prices but also eliminate a lot of the plastic waste.

"CynarPic Converting End of Life Plastic into Liquid Fuels." CynarPic. n.d. n. page. Web. 26 Jul. 2012. <>.
Miller, Sarka-Jonae. Natural 09 05 2012: n. page. Web. 26 Jul. 2012. <>.
Tighe, Maryellen. "JBI finds way to turn plastic into fuel." Buffalo 11 06 2011: n. page. Web. 26 Jul. 2012. <>.

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of turning plastics into fuel. It can help take care of polution by using plastics that would normally end up in a land fill and turning them into fuel.
