Sunday, July 22, 2012

Innovation Current Event Blog: Turning plastic into fuel

Turning plastic into Fuel

Landfills are over flowing with trash in the Philippines and are becoming a large problem for the community.  The large amounts of trash in the landfills has always been a problem for the Philippines and its people, until recently when a company called “Polygreen Technology and Resources “ came along with a solution.  Polygreen Technology and Resources has developed a machine that converts the Philippines trash into fuel for sell. The process of converting plastic into fuel is called “pyrolysis” a process that breaks down decomposed plastic and converts into fuel. Pyrolysis has been previously discovered by other companies but few have actually taken advantage of its benefits until now. Polygreen Technology has been able to use the majority of the trash found in the Manila’s Payatas landfills for fuel. The people of Manila’s are paid to go and retrieve the plastics found in the landfill and bring them to the processing plant which is beneficial to the community. The Manila area is one of the poorest and dirtiest areas in the Philippines which is why having a recycling company in the area is great for the community. Polygreen Technology and Resources company has been able to take a building problem of trash from a community and clean it up and convert into fuel for sell. Polygreen hopes that other companies will take advantage of this easy process and create a much larger facility used to convert plastic into fuel. The implications of the outcome are a cleaner area and renewable fuel for the community. Practicing managers should view this invention as an opportunity to create renewable fuel at a low cost.



  1. I really enjoyed reading this article as I believe that many countries fail to find ways to recycle waste products and settle on putting it in the ground instead. The main concern for this new way of producing energy from plastic, is the effect it could have on the air quality. Further research should be conducted to assure that the chemicals being released from the plastics will not cause too much harm to the environment.

  2. I found this article very interesting. first, it would clean out the community by using all wasted plastic. Second, this recycling company will add jobs around this poor community. This new invention not only cleaned the area but gave jobs to those who could barley survive. It is great that Polygreen Technolgy converts this trash in to fuel for sell, but how good is that fuel? Does it require more cleaning before it is actually sold?

  3. This article is nteresting becuase a green project was done in a very poor country and was successful. It makes me think of why this is not done in the USA and my thought is becuase the major oil refining companies would not want this to happen. I think this technology could at least be used to power public transportation, government vehicles, and city vehicles as a way to save tax payer dollars.
