Every day (or so), I add a "link of the day." This is typically either a business news article or blog link I found interesting. Please review these and share your thoughts.
A June without an IPO? It's more unusual than you might think
You can learn a lot about trademarks by eating pancakes, apparently...
Department of Justice investigates Comcast and Time Warner for anti-competitive trade practices
May results are mixed for small business
Digital Publishing - Costs to authors differ by publisher
Kickstarter, crowdfunding and crowdsourcing
Always low price or deep discounting?
Are you ready for Windows 8?
Can you patent a cut of steak?
Is Facebook's IPO the new normal?
This is a blog used in my graduate and undergraduate seminars in Strategic Management. It is a student authored blog and represents the work of graduate and undergraduate business students of the University of Houston Clear Lake. The opinions expressed are those of the individual authors and not those of any other author on the blog or that of my employer.
The Link of the Day- Analyzing the External Environment of the Firm
ReplyDeleteStudying Chapter 2 in the Sociocultural Segment, I found out the interesting about Japanese workers do not take time off. In BusinessWeek example, some 92 percent of Japanese workers don't use up their vacation time. According to Inc. Data Bank, June 2012, there are five vacation days taken per employee each year in Japan, compared with 12 days in U.S. The data also mentioned the top 5 reasons U.S. employees who do not use all their vacation days: Vacation's expenses, "Work is their life", trouble in scheduling in advance, getting paid for unused vacation days (which not all company pay for unused vacation days), perceiving negatively at work for time off.